Barriers to fish / artificial instream barriers

Inland Fisheries Ireland have been compiling information on barriers in rivers, in particular their location and type, which will feed into the Atlas of European Barriers.

They include artificial vertical drops, dams, pipes, culverts, legacy decorative structures that serve no purpose, hydro schemes, weirs, stepped weirs, navigation weirs, sluice gates, extended bridge floors, bridge aprons, perched bridge floors, control structures, ‘aesthetic’ water impoundments, water mill wheels, high velocity/shallow water areas, cattle crossing/drinking fords, gravel/sand traps, steps, blocked fish passes, water intakes/abstraction points, over-abstraction points, rubble/debris, gauging stations and other various modified river channels

Within the IFI catchment specific study (Barrow catchment; 3,067 km2), over 2500 potential barriers have been identified remotely, sites are being visited on weekly basis and to date over 233 barriers have been identified.

AMBER Consortium (2020). The AMBER Barrier Atlas.
A Pan-European database of artificial instream barriers.

The following Excels are details of barriers (as mapped by 11/11/2021) for Ireland

Dataset 1 (1,528 barriers)

Dataset 2 (859 barriers)

Note: 2387 barriers included for Ireland (unclear why there are two datasets, and why the 2387 does not match with the over 2500 mentioned by IFI

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