Site icon Useful Data for Irish River Conservation / Water Quality

Carrigaholt Priority Area for Action Desktop Report


March 2020

Carrigaholt Bay is a designated Shellfish Water

Nutrients (ammonia and orthophosphate) are the significant issues impacting on water quality. Sediment is potentially a significant issue. Chloride and conductivity levels are also significantly elevated. Elevated chloride in freshwater can be an indicator of domestic sewage (or slurry) pollution

Agriculture and domestic wastewater treatments systems are the significant pressures

Village is unsewered, the river periodically floods and septic tanks overflow, putting the shellfish waters at risk

Carrigaholt requires a waste water treatment plant

Section 4s (effluent discharge licence) on Moyana upstream of the village (holiday mobile home park with over 100 mobile homes and seven holiday homes)

The second S4 licence is not operational (it was an oyster nursery)

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