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Multi-Party Framework Agreement for the preparation of Surface Water Management Plans (SWMP) for Fingal County Council

To establish a Multi-Party Framework for Engineering Consultancy services for the preparation of Surface Water Management Plans (SWMP) for Local Area Plans (LAP), Masterplans, Urban Frameworks and other study areas;

Surface Water Management plans will consist of two key integral parts;

1. Preparation of Strategic Flood risk assessments in accordance with the “Planning system and Flood risk Management Guidelines for Planning Authorities”. This will include for all relevant stages of flood risk assessment as outlined by the Guidelines. 

2. Preparation of Sustainable Drainage Strategies (SDS) for the sustainable development of lands under consideration for development. The strategies will be an example of best practice in the use of sustainable drainage systems (SuDS)/Nature Based Solutions. As set out in the Fingal County Development Plan, it is an objective of Fingal County Council to encourage, promote and implement sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) on all new developments throughout the county and to encourage where feasible the retrofit of sustainable drainage systems within existing developments. The Sustainable Drainage Strategy will examine the feasibility of using all SuDS solutions including, swales, permeable pavement, rainwater harvesting, tree pits, green and blue roofs, detention basins, ponds and wetlands amongst other SuDS devices. The SDS must comply with the Fingal County Council Green Blue Infrastructure Guidance and the Dept of Housing Nature Based Solution Guidance 2022.

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