Nitrogen in Drinking Water: 18 Places to Watch (2 Public / 16 Private)

At a recent Oireachtas Committee hearing, the EPA noted there are 18 drinking water sources that have difficulty with nitrogen

Dr. Jenny Deakin

“Thankfully in Ireland we do not have too many sources that are beyond the drinking water standard. We are not the same as other member states, for example, in that regard. We have approximately 18 drinking water sources that have a difficultly with nitrogen.”

The 18 sources referred to relate to a combined number for public and private drinking water supplies

They are based on the detail published in two EPA drinking water reports

Public Water Supplies: Ballydermody, Waterford and Kiltegan Public Supply, Wicklow

EPA Report Drinking Water quality in Public Supplies in 2019

Two supplies with failures notified (in Table 3)


In the Appendix, Table 2 (p51) indicates that these were Ballydermody, Waterford and Kiltegan Public Supply, Wicklow

Private Water Supplies: 16 listed in Excel

EPA Report Focus on Private Water Supplies 2018 (nitrate exceedances in 3 private group schemes and 13 small private supplies – see Appendix 1 and 2)

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