Clonbullogue Ash Repository

The Clonbullogue Ash Repository is located approximately 8 km South West of the Town of
Edenderry and 2 km North West of Clonbullogue village. It is located on Cloncreen bog, a cut-away peatland area within the Allen Group of Bogs

Drainage ditches evacuated in the surrounding peatlands by Bord na Mona are orientated in an East – West axis and essentially divert any seepage or drainage water from the peatlands. Drainage from the site is along a West – East drainage ditch which discharges ultimately to the Figile River.

Clonbullogue Ash Repository was to dispose of waste products (fly ash and bottom ash), arising from peat combustion within the boiler of the Edenderry Power Station. Bord na Mona was successful in 2006, in a review process of the facility licence to co-fuel peat with biomass and or meat and bonemeal.

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