AIE Request: Submissions received on the Consultation on the Draft Arterial Drainage Maintenance Activities 2022-2027 and associated SEA Environmental Report and AA Natura Impact Statement Report

Under the AIE Regs to request copy of the submissions received on the Consultation on the Draft Arterial Drainage Maintenance Activities 2022-2027 and associated SEA Environmental Report and AA Natura Impact Statement Report

The original closing date for submissions was extended by the OPW. There is a statutory obligation for the OPW to consult with the National Parks and Wildlife Service, and the OPW welcome submissions from individuals/bodies during a consultation process.

“I have seen many actions on the river Moy by the OPW destroying the trees along the banks”

East Mayo Anglers Association

Killmastulla Drainage Committee in Tipperary

Response from the Wild Trout Trust

Note: worth a read as a very considered submission that is a good summary of the issues

The Arterial Drainage Act in Ireland has delivered severe dredging, realignment and incision of many watercourses, altering their natural hydromorphological processes and in many cases leading to degradation of channel form and function

East Mayo Anglers, Swinford, Co. Mayo


LAWPRO Submission

015 Record in public domain

Irish Ramsar Wetland Committee Submission

019 Record in public domain – EPA submission–position-papers/epa-submission-arterial-drainage-maintenance-activities-2022-2027-.php

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