Citizen Assembly on Biodiversity – Questions on Setup and Governance

  • can Govt directly appoint % of the citizens
  • can Govt appoint chair of the assembly, or is the chair appointed by the citizens themselves
  • can Govt limit issues that can be addressed, or is the remit determined by the citizens
  • are nominated expert advisers, nominated by the Govt or by the citizens
  • is the timeframe for the Assembly set by Govt or by the citizens
  • is the Assembly free to hire it’s own secretariat, or does it have to accept a secretariat from the Dept
  • does Govt or the Assembly members control the release of information and/or contents of the final report
  • will recommendations include a commitment to establish cross-party committee, similar to the JOCCA with the climate assembly
  • how do recommendations get into legislation where they may be at odds with Govt thinking (eg DAFM on nitrates, OPW on flood relief, etc)

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