Flood risk assessment: Ballinahinch, Ashford, Wicklow

Site maps

Question on flood models – Why are hydraulic models supporting the CFRAM not available to 3rd parties for investigation or updating?

Development details

Affected watercourses

Hurricane Charlie

What’s a Justification Test (submitted under separate cover) in the context of flood risk assessments, and where is this document available ?

Flood compensatory storage

Wicklow CoCo planning ref 23783, development on Vartry River, Ashford

Habitat survey

Flood risk assessment report


What is the Section 179a exemption?

Where can the exemption be utilised? State bodies and where the zoning objectives for the land as set out within the adopted development plan or local area plan includes residential use (i.e. where the land is zoned for residential purposes or for mixed use including residential).

Guidance for local authorities on the use of Section 179A provisions:

also see

What is a Part 8?

A development carried out by a Local Authority is often referred to as ‘Part 8’ development. This is a reference to Part 8 of the Planning and Development Regulations 2001, as amended, which sets out the procedure for carrying out such developments. Such works would include developments such as the construction of houses, roads, swimming pools, public toilets and more.



Multi-Party Framework Agreement for the preparation of Surface Water Management Plans (SWMP) for Fingal County Council

To establish a Multi-Party Framework for Engineering Consultancy services for the preparation of Surface Water Management Plans (SWMP) for Local Area Plans (LAP), Masterplans, Urban Frameworks and other study areas;

Surface Water Management plans will consist of two key integral parts;

1. Preparation of Strategic Flood risk assessments in accordance with the “Planning system and Flood risk Management Guidelines for Planning Authorities”. This will include for all relevant stages of flood risk assessment as outlined by the Guidelines. 

2. Preparation of Sustainable Drainage Strategies (SDS) for the sustainable development of lands under consideration for development. The strategies will be an example of best practice in the use of sustainable drainage systems (SuDS)/Nature Based Solutions. As set out in the Fingal County Development Plan, it is an objective of Fingal County Council to encourage, promote and implement sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) on all new developments throughout the county and to encourage where feasible the retrofit of sustainable drainage systems within existing developments. The Sustainable Drainage Strategy will examine the feasibility of using all SuDS solutions including, swales, permeable pavement, rainwater harvesting, tree pits, green and blue roofs, detention basins, ponds and wetlands amongst other SuDS devices. The SDS must comply with the Fingal County Council Green Blue Infrastructure Guidance and the Dept of Housing Nature Based Solution Guidance 2022.

Turloughs: Hydrology, Ecology and Conservation

304 turloughs listed in the Geological Survey Ireland Karst Database (2006)

Extend along the Western region of Ireland, from Co. Donegal to Co. Cork, with clusters of turloughs occurring in Co. Clare, Co. Galway, Co. Mayo and Co. Roscommon.

Includes site reports and maps for 22 turloughs studied in detail


NPWS project investigated a relatively small number of turloughs (22 for most aspects of the project, and 8 sites for the invertebrate work)

For locations of turlough sites which might potentially end up being impacted e.g. by OPW drainage, a better source of information is the Geological Survey of Ireland karst database, which has national mapping of karst features including turloughs. 

This is available to view online on their Groundwater Data Viewer at https://dcenr.maps.arcgis.com/apps/MapSeries/index.html?appid=bc0dba38f3f5477c8fd400f66b5eedcd 

The turloughs are shown within the Groundwater Karst Data layer with a capital T inside a box.  This dataset is also available for download from a link at https://www.gsi.ie/en-ie/data-and-maps/Pages/Groundwater.aspx#KarstFeatures

There are more than 300 turloughs in the database (unknown how many of them have been ground-truthed and verified)

Summary of threats to Turlough SACs

Adjacent quarry impact on hydrology

Fertiliser and grazing by sheep and cattle

Housing development and septic tanks

Overwintering of horses

Farm run off and slurry

Drainage, land reclamation and reseeding

Road widening

Enrichment from abattoir

Enrichment from intensive dairy farms

OPW drainage

Drainage and peat cutting

Soil excavation / turlough basin scraped out / permanent pond deepened

OPW Tender on Lower Shannon Options – Preliminary Design (Flood Relief)

The OPW, on behalf of the Shannon Flood Risk State Agency Co-ordination Working Group, intends to commission a Project in the lower River Shannon and Mulkear catchment in Q4 2021.

The driver for this project is to increase the capacity of the Old River Shannon to help reduce fluvial flooding at lower magnitude events.

Project Objective 1: identify feasible options for the management of sediment and vegetation to prevent further reduction in, and if possible increase, conveyance and/or channel capacity of the Old Shannon between Clareville Water Treatment Plant and St Thomas Island

Project Objective 2: identify opportunities to bring wider benefits to the Project Area, e.g. environmental, water quality, amenity