Reports on Bride River (Various)

Cork Corporation. Glen, Bride and Kiln River Improvement. Preliminary Report 1982 Vol 1 & 2

Blackpool Retail Park Flood Study

City Council and OPW flood report 2012

2013 Trash Screen report (best document on Blackpool Flooding with lots of useful information

Cork Nature Network Otter Report 2022

Camera Trapping – Quality of data collected through the use of camera traps at a number of sites frequented by otters within Cork City

The Otters of Blackpool

Glen, Bride and Kiln Review (2003)

Otter Surveys (2010 survey and 2022 tender)

National Otter Survey of Ireland 2010/12

2022 Otter Survey Tender

  1. Organise and manage a national otter survey for the Republic of Ireland that will provide robust and up to date information on the following issues:
  1. Otter range and distribution
  2. Building on other reliable data sources, and with the input of NPWS regional staff, provide up to date information on the extent of the otter’s range across Ireland to inform the next Article 17 report.
  3. Establish the distribution of the otter across Ireland at a level sufficient to identify geographical variation and to inform the population estimate required at b) below.
  • Population size and trend
  • Based on the results of a) above, produce an up to date estimate of otter population size nationally.
  • Provide a robust assessment of population trend by comparing current estimates to population estimates published in previous Article 17 reports.
  • Habitat usage in Ireland
  • Provide an overview of the habitats used by the otter in Ireland, with indications of habitat preferences or habitats avoided where relevant, to inform the next Article 17 report.
  • Threats and pressures
  • Provide an overview of the threats and pressures facing the otter in Ireland, to inform the next Article 17 report.

Co-ordinate NPWS staff training and input into the national survey to ensure competency and consistency throughout

  1. Build in an element of citizen science into the project to foster public engagement and raise awareness of otters in Ireland
  1. Maintain and submit a database of otter distribution and habitat information arising from the survey and any other relevant sources. Data deliverables to meet all requirements as set out below at 9.
  2. Make recommendations on potential improvements to the national survey protocols, bearing in the mind the need for value for money. These improvements should focus on enhancing the robustness of future otter monitoring in Ireland in the light of our obligations to assess otter distribution, range, population, habitat and future prospects.
  3. Prepare and submit two scientific publications to peer-review journals reporting on aspects of the survey. These papers to be produced in consultation with the NPWS Project officer.
  4. Facilitate media coverage of the project and produce regular social media updates on progress to raise public awareness of otters in Ireland.
  5. In addition, undertake an assessment of otter diet in marine and freshwater habitats across Ireland, and compare with previous studies. NB. Please provide a separate budget for this particular task – this task will only be included in the final contract if sufficient funds are available.