Owvane Priority Area for Action Desktop Report

Feb 2020


The Owvane River (also known as White river and Abha Bhan river) rises in County Limerick to the north of Carrigkerry townland and flows north through Ballyhahill into the Shannon estuary at Loghill.

Land use, soil type and PIP maps indicate that the significant issue impacting on water quality at this site is most likely to be sediment and/or ammonia from forestry on peat

Lands to the south are mainly under forestry and the soil type is peat (see Appendix I and II). Streams in Owvane_010 (headwaters upstream of the PAA) flow mainly through forested areas with blanket peat.

Cloonlahard stream on Owvane_030 also flows through forestry and peaty soil. Felling records would be useful for the upstream lands to assist in determining whether forestry is a significant pressure here.

Forestry, peat and point sources from farmyards 

There is one large point source on Owvane, Gortadroma landfill, located a short distance upstream of the WFD monitoring point at West Bridge. However, the landfill is closed and capped and phosphate would not normally be associated with landfill leachate so this facility is unlikely tobe a significant pressure here.

Ballyhahill wastewater treatment plant

S4 facility ?

Felling history in the catchment upstream of Cloonlahard

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