AIE: OEE Waste Crime Project Sites

Under the AIE Regs to request the following dataset

OEE Waste Crime Project Sites

Resource identifier is AM.IE.EPA.WST_IllegalWasteSites

This is a points dataset of locations logged in Excel by Local Authorities in the OEE waste crime project.

The Excel, held by OEE, has all the locations logged by LA’s.

Please provide the data in

a) the format as logged in Excel, to include the illegal waste site locations and attributes including size, waste type etc (where available), and

b) in the GIS format created by the EPA based on the excel files (GIS layer is just the locations that could be mapped with confidence, so obviously may differ from the Excel documents)

EPA notes on the file:

Legal constraints / Use constraints Restricted Other constraints

The EPA must be notified if any errors or emissions are found. This data is for internal use only. It must not be shared on public websites, and it must not be distributed as open data.

AIE Request 24/3/22

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