EPA reporting requirements for pig/poultry waste

OEE AIE 2023 45


In 2011, the EPA changed the reporting requirements for pig/poultry waste

Licensees are required to submit to the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine the completed records of movement of organic fertiliser from the installation (referred to as ‘Record 3’ by the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine).

Record 3 data is not in the public domain

See associated notice published by DAFM in the Irish Independent Newspaper (Farming Supplement) on 22/11/2011 and the Irish Farmers Journal on the 26/11/2011 below in Appendix 1. I also attach the associated press release issued 25th January 2012, in Appendix 2.

But, sometimes the EPA may request pig/poultry waste data, and where they do request that data, it is in the public domain via LEAP Online

The Office of Enforcement confirmed that, for instance, where an issue relating to slurry might arise at a licensed site, the inspector enforcing the licence may request the licensee to submit information. The information received is uploaded to LEAP Online.

OEE has also confirmed that records relating to slurry held on-site by the licensee may be checked during site visits by enforcement inspectors.

Occasionally, if the records are not available on the day of the inspection, the enforcement inspector may ask the licensee to submit them to the EPA. In such circumstances, the EPA uploads those records to LEAP Online. Such requests by inspectors are not routine.

For clarity – if the situation arises where a licensee submits information to the EPA of the type they are obliged to submit to DAFM, either arising from a site visit by an inspector or an issue arising on-site, the EPA uploads this information to LEAP Online.

There may be a limited number of records relating to slurry movements received in 2023 available on a case by case basis on LEAP Online.

OCEI Decision to overturn DAFM Forest Service refusal to release information related to the terms ‘Aquatic Zones’ and ‘Relevant Watercourses’


The Department refused access to the requested information on the grounds that it does not constitute “environmental information” within the meaning of the AIE Regulations